Monday, January 14, 2019

Which Work Environment Suits You Best?

The environment in which we work can have a great influence over many aspects of our lives; from our productiveness and work ethic to our mental health and overall happiness.

With the majority of people in the UK spending 34-39 hours at work per week according to E Financial Careers; it comes as no surprise that finding a work environment to suit you is essential for both your work and personal life.

There are a variety of working environments you might have experienced, from the hustle and bustle of a busy bar to the peace and quiet of a small office.

But which environment is really right for you?

Collaborative and Team-Orientated

Depending on your experience within the working world, you have likely spent some time in a collaborative work environment. Common among retail organisations, the healthcare sector, some artistic organisations and many corporate roles; this type of working environment depends on each member of the workforce working with one another to accomplish a goal. Often these environments are very open, casual (depending on the sector you are in) and allow for some give and take when it comes to what tasks you will take on or how you will work together to achieve your goal. It can also help you get to know your colleagues better and share some of the stresses often associated with work. However, some may find this environment noisy, crowded or overwhelming, so isn’t for those who would rather have some peace and quiet.

Most suited for…
This type of environment is suited to people who enjoy working with others to bounce ideas off of, share the workload and help achieve results. This environment is used in many workplaces as it helps not only boost morale and interpersonal relations between employees but means that often tasks are done quicker and to a high standard. In hospitals and surgeries this is a necessary environment, as everyone has skills which work together to help the patient. In some corporate and retails roles this environment can be used also, for example to help bring a product to market or to work as a team to deal with a busy Christmas period in a shop.

Organised and Systematic

Another approach which is used in varying degrees across all employment sectors is the systematic and organised working environment. These environments are often more formal, with employees given specific job roles rather than working out alone or in a team what tasks they should take on day to day. Used frequently in formal office settings, hospitality, factories and roles which involve science or mathematics, this approach means that you know what you are doing every day and are more assured that the job will get done when it needs to be. This style can also help reduce work-based stress, as you know what you will be doing and when so your mind can be put at ease.

Most suited for…
This environment is perfect if you aren’t confident making decisions or would rather work independently and systematically through your work, with the assurance that the job will get done. This is also often used in jobs such as catering, cleaning or hospitality, and many employees find it can be easier to deal with the 9-5 when there is a system of work in place to follow and stay on top of your tasks.

Individualistic and Independent

This more flexible working environment is ideal for those who already have a personal approach to work that they know works well for them. Although these environments can be collaborative as well, as they allow you to negotiate with others regarding your working style; they mainly require you to work independently so you can use a working system which suits you. You can adjust and adapt the way you work depending on what needs to be done, have some freedom if you need to change the work routine and can organise yourself instead of having to stick to a rigid system put in place by management.

Most suited for…
This environment is best for those who have a working style they like and enjoy working independently. For many creative industries this is favoured, such as for artists, writers and designers who tend to have their own way of working to harbour their creativity. However, this type of work can sometimes be daunting (especially for newcomers to the job) and may require some getting used to; but once you do, you can enjoy the flexibility of working your way.

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